What organizations exist at UCLA?
UCLA has over 1,300 registered campus organizations. Search by category and/or keyword. Find an organization!
What do I need to start a new organization?
You will need to name the organization, a short description, 3 signatories (any UCLA student, faculty, or staff), a constitution , submit the registration and attend a New Signatory Workshop. Your organization’s name can only include UCLA as a geographic reference (i.e. xyz at UCLA), you may not use UCLA in any other fashion. For more information, review registration .
How do I register a new organization?
Submit your organization with necessary requirements for registration during the open registration period at the beginning of every quarter. For more information, review registration .
Does my organization have a SOLE Advisor and who is it?
Yes! Please search for your organization . Your advisor will be listed with your organization info. They welcome the opportunity to meet with you.
How do I apply for an Organizational Email Account?
To request an organizational e-mail account, a signatory must submit this - organizational email account request form .
If our organization registered last year, do we have to register again this year?
Yes! Registration for every campus organization must be renewed each year during the deadline in Fall Quarter. If you do not re-register in Fall, you can register as a new organization in Winter or Spring Quarter and attend the New Signatory Workshop. Your organization must be registered in order to access resources.
How do we open an organizational bank account and obtain a tax ID number (EIN)?
An organization may choose any banking institution. Many organizations choose University Credit Union or Wescom Credit Union since they are located on campus. In order to open an organization bank account, a bank may require a tax-id number also known as Employer Identification Number (EIN). You can go here for more information on - How to Apply for an EIN . The type of entity is “other nonprofit organization” (student organization). The reason for applying is “banking purpose.”
How do I reserve a facility?
First talk with your SOLE advisor when planning any activity. You can research potential locations . You will then contact the venue scheduler to start the process and receive an application through email. The earlier you begin the process the better. Only one of the three signatories can reserve the room and complete the online application.
How do I apply for event insurance?
Registered Campus Organizations (RCO) should assess their risk and liability for their event. If insurance is recommended or required, RCO's can apply for coverage with CAMPUSCONNEXIONS .
How does our RCO request a Bruin Walk Permit?
In order to fundraise or distribute items on Bruin Walk, you must submit a Bruin Walk Permit to your SOLE advisor. Review approved and unapproved items, if the items are approved for sale or distribution, mark the Bruin Walk calendar, maintain safety and sanitation, and display the permit on the table.
How do I access University funding I have applied to?
Please, use this document for frequently asked fiscal questions. If there is a question you cannot find an answer to, please reach out to a fiscal advisor. Their contact information can be found in the About Us section.
Fiscal FAQ's can be accessed here: https://ucla.app.box.com/s/n1ss4u6gx6pb03ah0p81ld0viaqexfl0/file/763862573407
University funding includes:
- Campus Programs Committee (CPC) Mini and Regular
- Community Activities Committee (CAC) Mini and Regular
- Semel Healthy Campus Initiative (HCI)
- UCLA SPARK Campaign
- Student Support for Programming (SSP)
If your organization received Student Government funding (USAC/GSA), please reference their respective websites.
USAC funding: https://usac.ucla.edu/funding/programming/
GSA funding: http://gsa.asucla.ucla.edu
Student Government Accounting: https://usac.ucla.edu/funding/sga/