All student leaders are welcome to learn more about resources for their student organization! All 3 signatories for all registered organization must attend a New Signatory Workshop to complete the registration process.
All workshops have shifted to be virtual:
Virtual: Jan 29
Jan 29: 1-2 PM: New Signatory Workshop -- The new signatory workshop is open to all new signatories. The workshop will cover topics such as the roles of the signatories and accessing resources like funding, event planning, and risk management. This is required for all signatories of new groups and recommended for all signatories wanting a refresher.
Jan 29: 2-3 PM: New Signatory Workshop -- The new signatory workshop is open to all new signatories. The workshop will cover topics such as the roles of the signatories and accessing resources like funding, event planning, and risk management. This is required for all signatories of new groups and recommended for all signatories wanting a refresher.
Jan 26: 4-5pm -- CARE(VIRTUAL)During this workshop, student leaders will learn how to support sexual violence survivors within the UCLA community. We will discuss consent, healthy communications and boundaries, the effects of trauma, rights, and resources, and campus resources dedicated to sexual violence. This workshop will have a focus on community service oriented campus organizations.
Virtual: Jan 30
Jan 30: 3-4 PM -- New Signatory Workshop (VIRTUAL)The new signatory workshop is open to all new signatories. The workshop will cover topics such as the roles of the signatories and accessing resources like funding, event planning, and risk management. This is required for all signatories of new groups and recommended for all new signatories.
Jan 30: 4-5 PM -- New Signatory Workshop (VIRTUAL)The new signatory workshop is open to all new signatories. The workshop will cover topics such as the roles of the signatories and accessing resources like funding, event planning, and risk management. This is required for all signatories of new groups and recommended for all new signatories.
Jan 30: 5-6 PM -- New Signatory Workshop (VIRTUAL)The new signatory workshop is open to all new signatories. The workshop will cover topics such as the roles of the signatories and accessing resources like funding, event planning, and risk management. This is required for all signatories of new groups and recommended for all new signatories.
Jan 30: 4-5pm --Funding 101 (VIRTUAL)This workshop is a general overview of university funding sources available for a variety of student activities. Tips on writing strong proposals will be provided. Learn how to access and manage allocated funds.
Jan 30: 6-7 PM -- Youth Safety Training (VIRTUAL)Join us for this session to discuss safety considerations and best practices for your organization that is providing in-person and/or virtual community service activities involving youth during the ongoing pandemic.