UCLA offers an array of resources for the campus community, and for your role as a student leader. These resources are available to help you navigate your role as a student and a student leader effectively. If you have any questions about accessing this resource, please reach out to your SOLE Advisor.
UCLA Basic Needs
UCLA Basic Needs is comprised of the Basic Needs Committee and their efforts include building and enhancing existing services, conducting comprehensive research, and creating new innovative programs and resources to work towards making UCLA a basic needs secure campus. Below are some of the services and resources that support food and basic needs security:
- UCLA Basic Needs Resource Guide
- Bruin Bites: Text messaging app that notifies students of food available from on-campus events.
- Campus Library Instructional Computing Commons (CLICC): Provides tech resources such as short and long-term lending laptops, video and audio recording equipment, and tech essentials such as phone and laptop chargers.
- CPO Food Closet/Online Food Closet: Traditionally offers perishable and non-perishable food items, feminine hygiene products, toiletries, and miscellaneous items. Currently, students may be eligible to apply for gift cards amounting up to $75 towards purchasing food and other basic necessities from Target or Ralphs locations.
- Economic Crisis Response Team: Provides support to students who are experiencing financial crisis impacting their academic success at UCLA, and may be eligible for: ECRT Meal Voucher Program, ECRT Grants and Loans, and Emergency Housing Assistance.
- Financial Wellness Program: Provides resources and education around navigating finances through one-on-one peer coaching, workshops, and online education modules.
To view additional services and resources, please visit: https://www.basicneeds.ucla.edu
UCLA Career Center
The Career Center offers services and resources for UCLA students by offering support with information sessions, and on campus interviewing, and navigating job or internship listings online. Currently, the Career Center offers virtual services for undergraduate and graduate students. *Add note about workshops for cancelled class*
Website: https://career.ucla.edu/about
Counseling and Psychological Services
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides a range of services including, individual counseling, group therapy, organizational consultation, campus health and wellness promotion and more. CAPS also houses the following programs:
- Campus Assault Resources & Education (CARE) : Provides prevention education, individual support and advocacy, and holistic healing programs for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence and the UCLA community.
- Guidance, Resilience, Integrity, and Transformation (GRIT) Coaching Program: GRIT offers individualized support from trained peer coaches, with the goal of increasing overall well-being and improving academic and personal success.
- Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE): RISE is a holistic wellness hub by providing a variety of programs, classes, trainings, and self-directed resources to build and support resilience, connection, and well-being for the UCLA community.
CAPS is open during regular business hours, providing all services through telehealth. 24/7 crisis support is always available by phone at 310-825-0768.
Website: https://www.counseling.ucla.edu
Office of Ombuds Services
The Office of Ombuds Services in an informal and confidential resource. The Office of Ombuds Services acts as neutrals to provide support to facilitate communication and assist parties in reaching their own mutually acceptable agreements when conflicts arise amongst administrators, alumni, faculty, staff, and students. Additionally, the office provides trainings and workshops around mediation and dispute resolution.
Website: http://www.ombuds.ucla.edu
Student Legal Services
Student Legal Services can help individual students with almost any type of legal issue you encounter, including landlord/tenant, accidents and injuries, University related issues (Student Conduct, Title IX, ADA, discrimination), criminal, immigration, credit and financial, Title IX and harassment, and employment. All assistance is confidential and is provided by an experienced attorney. Unfortunately, Student Legal Services is unable to assist student groups.
Website: https://www.studentlegal.ucla.edu
Title IX Office/Sexual Harassment Prevention
The Title IX Office provides support around sexual harassment and sexual violence (includes discrimination on the basis of sex and sex stereotyping), gender discrimination (includes gender identity, gender expression, gender stereotyping), and pregnancy discrimination. Students, staff, and faculty who have experienced any form of harassment and/or discrimiantion can file a report with the Title IX office or may seek out other resources. Registered campus organizations may request a training from the Title IX Office.
Title IX resources/reporting resources with confidential and non-confidential resources:
- Non-Confidential: Title IX, UC Police Department
- Confidential: CARE Program, CAPS, Student Legal Services, Staff and Faculty Counseling Center, Ombuds Office, Rape Treatment Center - UCLA Medical Center Santa Monica